Diverse Tracks
The Ben Shemen Youth Village
All village students take a 5 point matriculation exam in agriculture, life sciences and animal and plant sciences. In addition, each student may choose another enhanced subject as delineated below.
In the High School students study 5 points in the following subjects:
All high school students study agriculture at the 5 point level.
Theoretical studies are taught in grades 11-12.
Practical agricultural studies actually begin in grade 8, as practical work on the farm is an integral part of the curriculum.
Agricultural studies towards matriculation at the 5 point level are divided into two parts:
11th grade - theoretical studies in flora and fauna
12th grade - theoretical studies according to agricultural branches - dairy, chickens, stable animals, field crops and ornamental gardening.
The structure of the studies include:
Agricultural biology - research paper
Theoretical exam
Practical exam
All requirements for completing the program will be finished in grade 12
This is a three year track from grades 10-12.
The curriculum is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical.
The theoretical part includes three compulsory core topics and one in-depth topic.
Core topics:
The human body with an emphasis on homeostasis
The cell, structure and activity
In-depth topics:
The study of these topics deepens the knowledge acquired by the student while studying the core topics.
There are three in-depth topics of which the student must choose one.
The practical part of the track includes conducting experiments in the laboratory and independent research work summarized in a written paper.
Laboratory exam - grade 11
Research and theoretical exam - grade 12
* Learning through research allows for in-depth development and understanding of the content while actively building knowledge among students.
Seminars and tours - As part of the studies of the program, the students go on a number of tours as well as participate in seminars.
Social Studies
This is a three year track from grades 10-12.
In the framework of this track, students study sociology and psychology.
Psychology - 2 units (grade 11)
Sociology - 2 units (grade 12)
For both topics, students will be tested on 70% of the material and write alternative assessments for the remaining 30%.
Research paper - 1 unit (grade 12)
The sociology curriculum deals with the connection between man and the society around him. The two units taught deal with the culture in which we live, the family in the past versus the postmodern family, the impact of the environment on shaping a person's personality and life throughout their life as well as the importance of the social group as a component in individual and social life. The study topics are related to the actuality and life of the student.
As part of studying psychology, the student will become familiar with theories and main streams in psychology. Will acquire a new language of basic concepts unique to the profession. Will develop scientific thinking through familiarity with classical and new research in the field. During the studies there will be an emphasis on the application of the theoretical study to analyze behavioral phenomena from everyday life and to understand the complexity of human behavior.
Physical Education Sciences
This is a three year track from grades 10-12.
The physical education track, enriches the student's knowledge in the field of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.
The material taught in the course will accompany the students during their entire adult life, knowledge that is unforgettable and timely. Connection to body and mind, in terms of: physiological, anatomical and psychological.
Topics covered:
Psychology of sports and physical education
Physiology of exertion
Physical Fitness Theory
History of Physical Education
Practical instructors course - physical fitness.
Structure of studies:
Tenth grade
Sport history and physical education in Israel and around the world
Physical fitness theory
Specialization in sports
Eleventh grade
Physiology of exertion
Psychology of Sport
Theoretical matriculation exam - 3 units
Twelfth grade
Physical fitness integrated instructors course - 1 unit
Research paper - alternative assessment expansion and depth - 1 unit
This is a three year track from grades 10-12.
The studies in this track provide an understanding of the language of the theater, tools and acting skills. The studies include watching plays in theaters while practicing critical watching and expanding familiarity and cultural knowledge.
Studies in the program include acting lessons, movement, text interpretation and theater history.
The spirit of the track is reflected in the emphasis on the group process, while maintaining each student's freedom to express himself or herself within the group.
In 10th grade - students learn to know their place and that of the group in the world of the stage, through the language of theater.
Eleventh grade - students are tested in a matriculation exam by presenting monologues and dialogues.
Twelfth grade - Students are tested in theoretical studies and a full-length group production in front of an audience in the theater.
Theater Production
Twelfth-grade students put on a full-length production of a theatrical performance in front of an audience.
Students take part in the selection of the play, in acting, directing, set and lighting roles, and are tested on this in the practical exam in the theater.