Dormitories at the
Ben Shemen Youth Village
Develop independence, find yourself, enjoy and appreciate wat the place gives you.
Village graduate
Residing in the Village
The Village has 3 main residential areas:
The Children's Home:
For children in grades 1-6.
Middle School Age:
For children in grades 7-9.
Upper School Age:
For youth in grades 10-12.
Dorm rooms are gender segregated and house 3-4 students.
The educational staff are responsible for everything student related - the student's well-being, educational functioning, the educational process being undergone, the disciplinary process and more and in fact the staff is responsible for everything related to their group of students. The students are expected to maintain and preserve their residences.. Life in the boarding school according to the students is pleasant and positive and that their social life has grown greatly thanks to living together as a community in the Village.
In their free time, the students hang out together and enjoy the different spaces offered by the Village - use of the swimming pool during the summer months, sitting with a guitar in the dorm's outdoor space, deep conversations between friends in different locations around the Village and more - which adds to social community atmosphere enjoyed by the students.