From the Director's Desk
Dr. Ilana Tischler

To the Ben Shemen Youth Village
Ben Shemen Youth Village is home to about 400 children and youth ages 6-18.
The Village is a unique social community, whose goal is to raise, develop, empower, and love people, society and the environment. The educational staff at the Village, accompanies the students on their path to success in modern society utilizing knowledge, social skills, innovation and achievements.
During their stay in the village, we try to raise our students as if they are "hothouse flowers", water them with Ben Shemen stories from the past, enrich their lives through formal and informal education and expose them to what is happening in Israel and around the world. Their stay in the village expands the general education of the village students, prepares them for living in society, cultivates spiritual values, morals and culture and above all, provides education for good citizenship and love of country.
I see great importance in excellence and capitalizing on social and academic endeavors, innovation, development of curiosity and motivation to learn, while addressing the diversity, uniqueness and character of each student. "Great people who dream big dreams and turn dreams into reality. Great people who engage in small deeds and make them big ..." (Moshe Zvi Neria). Together we weave dreams and make them come true.
To be a “Ben Shemenist” is a privilege, acquired during one’s stay and education in the village. It is a privilege to be educated about the teachings of the village's founder Dr. Siegfried Lehman, whose educational concept included an affinity for the land and heritage of Israel and an aspiration for a society based on equality and sharing.
Each of the students is a person within a common collective driven by responsibility, nurturing, education, society, volunteering and contributing to the community.
I see my work as a "mission", to provide a value-based and civic education and am thankful for this privilege.
Dr. Ilana Tischler
The foundation of every state is the education of its youth
(Diogenes - Greek philosopher)
About Dr. Tischler
1999-2004 Ph.D - Educational Policy & leadership, School of Education, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio U.S.A
1990-1991 M.A. - School of Education. Boston University. Boston, U.S. Highlights: Teaching and Curriculum.
1984-1987 B.E.D – The Zinman College, Netanya Israel.
2008 – to date General Director (CEO)- The Ben Shemen Youth Village - Israel
2005 – 2008 – General Director (CEO) – The “Tarbut” school in Mexico City.
2001-2004, 1993-1998, School Principal, The Usishkin Tali School, Netanya, Israel.
2003-2004, 1996-1998 Lecturer at the school of principals development, College of Education, Seminar Hakibutzim, Tel Aviv.
1998-2001 Community Schlica - Jewish Agency at the Columbus - Jewish Federation.
Educational Researcher – The Zinman College – Netanya, Israel.
1987-1991 Teaching in Jewish Day Schools In California and Boston.
Volunteer Positions
2020 Secretary FICE Israel
2007-2008 Member of the Steering Committee, “Partnership 2000”, Eshkol - Mexico
2001-2004 Chair of the Netanya -Cincinnati “Partnership 2000”
2001-2008 Board member – “Macabi Dan” Tel Aviv – Acro-gymnastic team.
2009- 2013 President – “Macabi Dan” Tel Aviv – Acro-gymnastic team.
1996-1997 Board Member “Tali” Foundation
Prize for Outstanding Youth Village – 2017/18
National Prize for Agricultural Excellence – 2010/11
The TALI prize for Jewish education – 1997
President’s Prize for Education - 1996